100 Desktops

I got one last generative piece done for the end of the year. I don’t usually use a loop to create pieces but this time I threw out the noLoop() functions and let the sketch run for about 30 minutes. Each cell is either filled with one of 3 different patterns or one of my… Continue reading 100 Desktops


I am trying to get back into the habit of creating something every day. I started making some cubes in p5.js this afternoon. Each iteration generates random width, height, and depth. I’m thinking this is a work in progress, there’s quite a bit I could do like adding texture. Here are a few of the… Continue reading Cubes

10 Print

I was inspired by one of Coding Train’s videos on using 10 print. 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 This one line of code generates maze-like structures like below: It’s pretty easy to do this in P5.js. I made a grid of squares then iterated over them giving it a 50/50 chance of containing a… Continue reading 10 Print