
Stepping back from the Botanical system I have been working on I wanted to build a grid of cubes and see what it would look like if the faces were randomly turned on or off. With all the faces turned on the grid reminded me of the levels from the game Qbert. I built the… Continue reading Qbert

100 Desktops

I got one last generative piece done for the end of the year. I don’t usually use a loop to create pieces but this time I threw out the noLoop() functions and let the sketch run for about 30 minutes. Each cell is either filled with one of 3 different patterns or one of my… Continue reading 100 Desktops

10 Print

I was inspired by one of Coding Train’s videos on using 10 print. 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 This one line of code generates maze-like structures like below: It’s pretty easy to do this in P5.js. I made a grid of squares then iterated over them giving it a 50/50 chance of containing a… Continue reading 10 Print

Multi-Scale Truchet Patterns

I got inspired by the post by Christopher Carlson on Multi-Scale Truchet Patterns, where he creates Truchet tiles by taking several small tilesets and repeating them to create some interesting patterns. I began by splitting a canvas into quarters and then split each of those containers with a 50/50 chance all the way down to… Continue reading Multi-Scale Truchet Patterns


I was inspired by the Threads series by Code Rambler, who is making these interesting path avoidance images. They resemble circuitry to me and I thought I’d try and give it a try. What I ended up with started taking on the look of a maze. There’s a base canvas width and height that is… Continue reading Mazes

Another grid thingy

This color scheme is my favorite!

Today I worked on another grid-based generative sketch, taking a set of patterns and assigning them to each cell on the grid. I also wanted to work with variations in the size of the cells. The patterns that get generated are all size-based so no matter how big or small they are the design will… Continue reading Another grid thingy